The special purpose of the Ivan Bulić Foundation established last year in loving memory of the young, noble and versatile intellectual Ivan Bulić, who fulfilled his life with humanity and commitment to the youth and who tried to make the world more beautiful every day, but unfortunately left us to soon, was continued this year.
The Foundation, named in Ivan’s honour, so that his character and deeds may never be forgotten, was founded 14 months ago and so far is supported by 21 well-known companies in the region as well as 76 physical persons.
The fundamental task of the Ivan Bulić Foundation is to encourage, facilitate and enable the excellent ones and the best ones, primarily students, then young researchers, professors, scientists, engineers, technologists and everyone else in the profession to achieve remarkable results in the field of bakery, pastry, confectionery and nutrition generally. This year the Foundation changed its basic document, the Statute, by supplementing its provisions with its purpose and goals. In addition to accomplishing promotion of biotechnology, food technology and nutrition, especially in the field of bakery, pastry and confectionery by awarding prizes, acknowledgements, grants and scholarships, the Foundation can now provide support for other noble, humane and socially useful goals.
The efforts and persistence of young people, their results and the desire for new knowledge were recognized and rewarded by the Ivan Bulić Foundation this year. Grants, scholarships, prizes and awards were given to the best students and to the physical and legal persons who give or have given a special contribution to the profession and to the social community in general with their daily work and projects.
The second Ceremonial meeting of the Ivan Bulić Foundation was held on December 6, 2018 in Mimara Museum in Zagreb.
The ceremony was attended by all the members of the Foundation Board and the Expert Committee, all the award-winners and all the Ivan Bulić Foundation supporters.
The hall was filled with strong emotions, from the sincere mourning because of the beloved and good person’s loss to the immense happiness and pride that bring a spur of hope in a better and happier tomorrow.
The intensity of pronounced emotions can best be described by the verse of the great Croatian poet Josip Pupačić who wrote: “Nothing is so great and human as the sadness united with love!”
The Foundation Manager Vladimir Bulić welcomed all the present with an emotional speech and the Foundation Secretary Željko Rupić moderated a ceremonial program in a warm and special way.
The musical part of the program began with the hymn of all the world’s students, Gaudeamus Igitur, which Ivan really loved, in the brilliant performance of our long-time associate and friend, Sandra Bagarić accompanied by Professor Darko Domitrović.
In the continuation of the musical program there were the compositions that Ivan loved, and if not favourite, then certainly one of them is the classic of musical art, Bohemian Rhapsody, song that was performed by the participants of the Husar and Tomčić singing school.
The world-renowned cello player Ana Rucner and Vlado Kalember as well as this year’s award and scholarship winners Nika Mutak and Katarina Filipan contributed to the warm musical atmosphere.
In memory of his cousin Ivan, Luka Bulić sang the Ballad of Vasa Ladački by Đorđe Balašević after which it followed the song Nothing else matters in the performance of Vlado and Darko.
The musical ambient was magnified also by the director of TIM ZIP’s Raw materials department Andrej Hanžek playing the violin. The Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology in Zagreb, prof. dr. sc. Damir Ježek showed his musical talent by playing the trumpet in the song of the Swedish group Europe known as the Final Countdown that was performed by all the present musician artists at the ceremony.
The worth of having Ivan as a friend was described in the best possible way by touching speeches of Boris Kološ and Tomislav Šarić who recalled the growing up period and numerous adventures from the school days.
Public and official allocation of grants, scholarships, awards and prizes was the central event of the Ceremonial meeting which was impatiently awaited.
The Ivan Bulić Foundation provided one-time support to the Association FARMICA, the association for the well-being and protection of dogs and cats, Vinogradska 1, Našice, in the form of donation of 15 thousand HRK. The decision of support was received by the Head of the Association, Ivana Varkonji.
One-time support in the amount of 15 thousand HRK for purchasing so-called “Smart panels” was awarded to the Food Technology School in Zagreb.
Mr. Josip Šestak, the school’s director received the support decision.
The support was also given to the third-grade pupil educating for baking profession in the Food Technology School in Zagreb, Lorena Mayer.
According to the proposal of the Expert Committee for selecting the candidates for awarding prizes, acknowledgments, scholarships and grants, in composition of prof. dr. sc. Damir Ježek – president, prof. dr. sc. Duška Ćurić – deputy president, prof. dr. sc. Damir Stanzer, dr. sc. Marija Carić i dipl. ing. Ivan Parać, the Foundation Board made a decision on candidates list for the academic year 2018/19.
The winners of the scholarships in the amount of 15 000 kuna per year are:
Maja Rendulić
(Scholarship for the third-year of Undergraduate studies)
Katarina Filipan
Lucija Boras
Lucija Marić
Marija Gregov
Filip Zlatar
(Scholarship for the first year of Graduate Studies)
Andrea Buratović
Andrea Ljubić
Andreja Poljanec
Barbara Marić
Elena Mikolaj
Josip Morduš
Mateja Kobeščak
Valentina Magdić
(Scholarship for the second year of Graduate Studies)
The Ivan Bulić Foundation Acknowledgment for best final thesis and the amount of 3000 HRK was awarded to Ivana Dajčić for the thesis entitled “Extraction, characterization and encapsulation of functional ingredients of the red shell onion”.
The Ivan Bulić Foundation Award for best graduate thesis entitled “Application of carob sourdough in the production of bakery products” and the amount of 5000 HRK was awarded to Nika Mutak.
The Ivan Bulić Annual award for best doctoral thesis entitled “Application of the by-products of the food industry and innovative technologies in the development of bakery products for patients with celiac disease and diabetes” and the amount of 7000 HRK was awarded to dr. sc. Bojana Voučko.
Regular professor of the Faculty of Food Technology in the University of Osijek in retirement, prof. dr. sc. Žaneta Ugarčić won the most prestigious Ivan Bulić Award for Lifetime Achievement together with the amount of 10 000 HRK for the outstanding results achieved during the long-time work in the field and overall contribution to the development of food technology in the Republic of Croatia.
On behalf of all the awarded, the students Barbara Marić and Filip Zlatar thanked the Foundation founders and supporters for their support and awarding ceremony hoping that this Foundation will be the cornerstone for future similar foundations in various branches in Croatia.
All scholarship holders and awards and prizes winners were immediately involved in the Expert Committee whose further task is to plan and realize activities in the field of promoting the importance and usefulness of the Foundation, as well as contribution in bringing together and connecting the needs of the real sector with the needs of young scientists and experts.
Ladies and gentlemen. Dear students.
Respected founders and supporters of the Ivan Bulić Foundation.
Dear guests. Dear friends.Thank You all for being here with us today.
With the Ivan Bulić Foundation.Almost two and a half years have separated us from the time when this world was left without a young man who opened and gave his heart and selflessly spread joy, smile and goodness to everyone around him during his short life.
Long two and a half years, even too long, longer than the eternity itself, if we try to add up all the moments in which we so intensely and so painfully missed his goodness, his kindness and his gentleness. His presence.
Two and a half years, sometimes shorter than a second of the still present strong and intensive feeling of Ivan’s closeness, his smell, his hug, kiss, touch and words; I love you to the sky, where the airplanes fly.
Ivan loved people so honestly, deeply, fondly and strongly, appreciated knowledge, loved nature and animals, and especially and above all, took care of everyone vulnerable, unprotected and needy.
He believed that knowledge and excellence are the first and basic condition to achieve all set tasks, results, and success by hard and persistent work.
Thank you my good people for staying with us and with the Foundation and for coming back together to do good in memory of Ivan and his dedication to the rights of the young people and their right to gain knowledge and to have future, in memory of his belief that every day in which you did not learn something new or you did not do something to make this world a better and a nicer place to live is another lost day.
Thank you, because today we will help those who selflessly preserve humanity from everyday weariness and the virus of recklessness and selfishness, we will help those who will tomorrow take care that our everyday bread is healthy and tasty, and we will also help those who give more and more on a daily basis while having almost nothing.
Thank you for your continuous support of the Ivan Bulić Foundation. Today, just a little more than a year after the establishing of the Ivan Bulić Foundation, we will award fourteen scholarships, an acknowledgement and two awards to the absolutely and without a doubt the best ones for the second time.
With pride and dignity, today we will thank and reward the seventeen young people for their work, their effort, their sacrifice and their results and we will affirm that we are proud of them and their successes and that we recognized their intentions of being great, of being better every day and that they are ready to take responsibility of changing this world for the better.
With our support, we will at least help them and their parents to continue down this hard, most difficult road until the end, because youth and knowledge are the best way to success and safe future.
We will thank and give our deepest respect to a certain lady, a scientist, a professor, a „ lover “of the profession and knowledge who devoted her entire and working life to this knowledge and spread it and pass it to many generations of her students, and by founding and long-standing managing of the Flour Bread Congress, for years she has been persistently changing and eventually did change our small world of milling, bakery and pastry for the better. In Croatia, in the region, in Europe and beyond.
May today, as well as tomorrow, many, stored in this museum, thousand-year-old artefacts of historic and contemporary art greats from all over the world, from all collections of the Mimara Museum, testify to the pressing need of our world and our readiness to support such people who are willing to give their full for a small step forward in search of a better and happier world.
Let us remember Ivan today and listen, in his memory, his favourite songs and music he liked listen to, but also play to his parents.
If my son Ivan was here, he would be proud, he would be happy and would say with his wide and honest smile that this group of people, with so many young people focused on knowledge and excellence, is the best confirmation that our world will be better and more beautiful tomorrow.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for that.
Welcome. -
Regular professor of the Faculty of Food Technology in the University of Osijek in retirement and professor emeritus of Croatian Academy of Engineering, graduated in 1971 at the Faculty of Technology in the University of Zagreb.
After graduating in Switzerland, where she worked on and defended her doctoral thesis in the scientific field of technical sciences, she returned to Croatia in 1985.
For many years she has been leading the department of production and processing of flour and cereals at the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, and was working as a professor at the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology in Zagreb from 1992 to 1996.
Her scientific potential as well as her success in student education was recognized by the J. J. Strossmayer University Rectorate in Osijek in 2001, when she was appointed as Vice-Rector for Science and remained until 2005.
She especially stood out in the advancement and promotion of profession at international level through organization and successful management of the International Congress of Flour – Bread as the president of the organizational and scientific committee.
Among the numerous awards and prizes she has earned during her long years of work, in 2010 she received “The Power of Knowledge” Award for Lifetime Achievement by the Croatian Academy of Engineering, when she became its honorary professor emeritus.
She has always been and still is in love with the profession, and with her work she has enabled the development of numerous experts in the field of food industry.
With her expertise she was always ready to help to solve the problems in the bakery profession.Therefore the Ivan Bulić Award for Lifetime Achievement goes to prof. dr. sc. Žaneta Ugarčić.
Dear founders, supporters and guests. On this ceremonious occasion, Barbara and I would like to greet you and thank you on behalf of all the scholarship winners and all those supported by this Foundation, which rewarded and recognized us as valuable students, academics, as well as ordinary people who try to contribute to the community, profession and environment in general through their work, effort and dedication.
We are pleased to know that the efforts of young people are appreciated and recognized. Such support gives us an additional motivation for further success and achieving ourselves as better people. Young people are the future, just as Ivan was; young and ambitious, the man who “went through the walls” in the pursuit of his dreams and did not settle for average. I recommend to everyone who has not yet read his story, please do so. The story is touching and inspirational and confirms that young people or “little” people can really change the world and motivate others, starting with the smallest deeds.
When I recently met Mr. Bulić, we talked about everything and one of the things was the view on today and tomorrow, on the future.
Mr. Bulić told me: “You learn from the past, but what’s important is what will happen in the future and that is the thing we need to concentrate on.”
I am glad that, in spite of the very painful situation, the Bulić family continues to act with such thoughts in the way that their son Ivan would love.
We are extremely grateful to the Foundation for the organization and idea itself that is immensely humane and noble.Barbara
We would also like to thank you for such magnificent ceremony that we could only dream of. I hope that this is only the cornerstone of future foundations in various branches of our country, because such foundations are lacking and are a benefit to the entire society. The positive emotions we are currently experiencing are extremely important for success because they encourage creativity, self-confidence and perseverance. We thank you for this, and at the end, together with that, we give you one big promise that we will continue to work as before, but also to improve ourselves day by day. And change the world to a better place.
When we recall some “stressful” situations in our lives – choosing a high school and preparing for the first day is certainly one of those moments. The thing that bothered me the most was the question will I find new friends?
On the first days of school, one person already stood out. Ivan.
Right from the very beginning, he was the person who made this new step in the young person’s life simpler, easier and more entertaining. A beautiful friendship was born. Ivan was so natural, honest, relaxed, positive, and funny that things simply went their natural way.
I spent countless school hours together in the classroom with Ivan. I will always remember these hours filled with laughter.
We were strongly bond by tricks, jokes and common interests. Love for cars and motorcycles were one of many topics that connected us. So many discussion about which one is faster, stronger, lighter … never ending…Boris
What I adored about Ivan was that he knew how to love honestly and without calculation, and that is something that I more and more recognize as a rare feature through my life experience. When he loved, he loved with all of his heart, generously and without thinking. That is the feature that I would describe as something magnificent that is slowly dying out.
We met in hotel Sheraton, I don’t remember that evening but I remember his enthusiasm when I offered him a ride home although we only met that evening; that was the CLICK after which we “started developing our relationship”, and later, through the travels and summers, we got to know each other, socialized and brotherly loved each other.Tomislav
When I lost my way, Ivan was always the one who would „ center “me back on the right path.
As much as we liked to have fun in the classroom, Ivan knew when knowledge and success were more important and when we needed to step up a little.
So many wonderful Ivan’s virtues, too many to be told, shaped me as a person. An old people saying goes „ show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are “. I am immensely pleased to have spent part of my earthly life with Ivan and that I can say, at least in part – yes, I am who I am because of Ivan.Boris
On one occasion, Ivan and Ante Čačić were driving through Dubrava. They called me in the middle of the night because they were hungry, and I came down with two big sandwiches. Ivan was amazed because in Vienna you have to go and buy sandwiches. He was so happy and touched by these little things that it motivated you to do this again and again. He won you over with his sincerity so you wanted to feel that positive energy again.
If you were THE ONE in his company, you had to be careful when you talked about your wishes because he would use the next opportunity to make that wish come true. He knew how to receive, but more so, he knew how to share.
He was able to make you feel that you were more important than the most important things.
He was a cool guy and remained an example how a real friend should look like…Tomislav
After high school, although life has taken us to different parts of the world, we have always remained close. At Ivan’s wedding, when most of the guests went home, Ivan, Ratko and I sat close to one another at the reception of the hotel, as if we were in the classroom.
We commented, after all these years, who would say that the three of us would sit together again, as if we were in the classroom and how wonderful it was. At one-point Ivan turned towards me and said, „I love you bro “.
That’s Ivan, immense love. Ivan, thank you for everything, I love you too bro… -
Ivan, thank you to the sky … where the airplanes fly…
We are proud and full of feelings that we cannot describe. Sadness, disbelief, strength, pain and love, all at the same time. Someone in heaven sees that, like one of your favourite singers would say. That is how you, your parents, your wife, your friends, the Foundation, saw us.
We are too small to be seen, too far to be a priority. At least to many of them, but not to you. To you who were a small man with great ambitions and desires, just like we are.
You, who have been looking, you did not close your eyes towards the helpless… towards those who can’t help themselves…We want to tell you that each of our dogs is your Dora and yours and Ivana’s Kimi. If you ever thought something could happen to them, you know how we feel every day. They’re leaving us in front of our eyes, suddenly. We remain helpless … like your parents, Ivana, friends … after you. Wondering if we could have done more, would anything had been different …
You were a great man because you were raised by great people. The words of your father have been heard in our ears all over to Slavonia and are still there. It will be forever. When we fall and think we cannot do more, that the whole world is against us, when we are unhappy because we do not have electricity or water at Farmica, that we cannot pay veterinary bills … we will remember the way your closest and you are looking at us. Because we know that you see us, how else we could explain that you chose us and gave coordinates to the people from the Foundation to come to us? May all the 60 tails that celebrate you today make you laugh. We’ll talk to them for a long time about what you’ve experienced and about what’s going on after you…
Thanks to the Bulić family and all the Foundation supporters.
Dear founders, dear guests.
Dear ladies and gentleman.I am very honoured and it has been a pleasure to receive Ivan Bulić Award for Lifetime Achievement. I am especially proud to receive the award from this Foundation, which promotes support, help and assistance to young people in acquiring the latest cognitions and knowledge in the profession in which I have spent my entire life’s work. I would like to thank to the Foundation Board and to the Expert Committee for this special honour.
I would also like to thank the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek and my associates at the Faculty, because without them my ideas and projects could not be carried out.
I am particularly grateful to TIM ZIP, led by Mr. Vladimir Bulić, for many years of sponsorship, support and long-term successful cooperation in the organization of “Flour Bread” Congress as well as for the donations on equipping the Laboratory for flour production and processing at the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek.Together we have promoted new knowledge, new technologies and exchanged experiences through many lectures at congresses and various events in TIM ZIP.
I also want to thank my family for their support, understanding and patience.
Today, I am proud that my students, graduates and PhD students who have remained in the profession have a leading role in their businesses or run a successful business.
Although I have been retired for five years, my interest in events and young, smart and talented people in our profession did not stop. My experience and help are always at your disposal.Thank you very much!